Renting a hotel room is a great option if you are only staying one night, but if you're going on vacation for a long weekend or more, a vacation rental is often a much more practical option! With the sharing economy booming, vacationers are moving away from the old hotel model, and into the space, more savings, and freedom a vacation rental direct from the owner can offer. Here are 4 reasons to rent a condo over a hotel.
- You Get More Space
When was the last time you really enjoyed cramming your family into a tiny space with 2 beds, a bathroom, and a TV? Hotels are convenient, but rarely ideal and exciting for your whole family. Rental condos are usually at least 1000 square feet, whereas your hotel room will be likely no more than a measly 400. In a hotel room, you've got TV and a mini-fridge (that you wouldn't dare open) to entertain you. In a rental condo you've got everything – a full kitchen, play space for the kids, multiple TV’s, even a hot tub out back!
- You Get To Save Big
If you're planning a week trip in a hotel, be prepared to pay upwards of $400+ per night, not including food and fun. In a rental condo, you'll save hundreds on meals out and expensive entertainment options by cooking your own meals and taking advantage of the condo features hotels can't offer.
- You Get To Make Your Own Rules
In a condo, you're in a detached, full home, in your own private space. In a hotel, you're basically in an upscale dorm room, with people on each side of you making it difficult to enjoy your trip on your terms. There’s nothing like shutting the noise down at 10 p.m. because your hotel room neighbours are complaining, or better yet, being woken up all night because they have a crying baby beside you. In a vacation rental, you make your own rules because it's your own space. It's the best way to get the most out of your vacation on your terms.
- You Can Actually Entertain
You can't have people over for dinner in a hotel room and you most certainly can't throw a party. If you have friends or family stopping by while you're on vacation, or you meet some new people you'd like to get to know, a hotel room is not the place to do it. Your condo, however, is perfect to have company over to cook, relax, get rowdy, chat all night, and have fun!
There is no excuse to waste money on a hotel room. Vacation rentals have skyrocketed in popularity these days for a reason. They allow you to actually enjoy your vacation on your own terms, without the pain of no space, for too much money, and no freedom.
If you're planning your next Aspen/Snowmass vacation, drop us a line and we'll get you the best deal for your next family trip. We know Aspen/Snowmass. We live here!